Friday, February 25, 2011

Peaceful Warrior - Q5

Why would you give the advice "Don't fall into the trap - If only I had this, I'd be... If only..., I'd get to be happy." What is a better way to think?

I would give this advice to anyone, whatever they were doing. We all think like that at different times in our lives, but learning from and enjoying the journey is just as important, or even more so than the goal.
I believe that a better way to think than "If only..." is to think in a way that also gives thought to the journey. For example, for Dan's goal of getting the gold medal at the Olympics, he could have thought something like "Even if I love gymnastics this much, it's going to be tough to put in enough training to help me become even better than I am now. But if I give this my best effort, I'll be able to reach gold."
Instead of concentrating on just the goal, we should be thinking of how to get there, and doing it. 

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