Friday, February 25, 2011

Peaceful Warrior - Q7

How do you "Take out the trash. Clear your mind of everything you don't need" (doubt, past failures, future victories,... etc.)?

To "take out the trash", you must think only of this moment. 
It can be hard to clear your mind when you doubt yourself, or think negatively. Instead of dwelling on something that you did in the past, or dreaming about something you want to do, you have to think of the moment, and live in it.
When you get up in the morning, think of your life as something that's brand new. Take a look at everything and everyone as if you had never seen them before, instead of judging them by something that happened yesterday, or what might happen based on last week. 
"Take out the trash. Clear your mind." 
The whole new outlook on life that this can bring you is one of the best things that you can have. 

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